Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Contents analysis

Here in this contents page, they're alot images, each promoting a band or promotive product. Kerrang have used a smart and professional look for their contents page. Stick to a professional colour scheme and a smart layout. Although it may be crampt, it has all the information on one page about the magazine. The main large image is promoting the main feature in this magazine, the image used is random and is used to make the audience wonder what the point is this image thus reading on to see You me at six. Also around the main image are other significant bands, that are also being promoted. They mostly consist of small images used so that the current fans of that bands, will recognise them and move straight to they page or know where they are for future references.  Also small captions have been put in under intresting the audience. On the right they have placed the contents page numbers, in a small area and including titles and sub titles orgainsing the contents of the magazine, making it so that pages are dotted everywhere for no reason. Also in the top right and bottom left, they're are two puffs promoting the magazine, asking to subscribe for further future copies of the magazine. Also they have a comment from the very editor himself, making you feel like your getting to know the acutal editor.

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